by HHOadmin | Jul 30, 2008 | HHO auto gas, Reviews
Image by Craig Stephen via Flickr More Benefits For Using HHO Auto Gas You’ve heard the saying “be kind to your Mother”, well the same goes for your engine. The many benefits for using HHO auto gas or brown gas will allow you to do just that, be kind...
by HHOadmin | Jul 28, 2008 | HHO auto gas, Reviews
Just one of the benefits that comes with using the HHO auto gas technology to run your car is what happens with your exhaust system. Yes! it becomes cleaner when you use HHO auto gas. This is how it works. A Cleaner Exhaust System As water is natural and a renewable...
by HHOadmin | Jul 22, 2008 | HHO brown gas
I just read a post on a forum about Toyota in Japan it seems like they are planning to have on the market this year a full hydro water auto. Using HHO or Brown Gas To Run Your Car Has Many Benefits. As the gas prices have risen and there is nothing on the horizon to...